Tag Archives: Poetry
Butterfly Wings
flutter in front of my eyes causing my mind to stutter for just one moment as I gaze into the stillness of time watching this beautiful artistic creation of metamorphosis fly freely. A pretty black with traces of gold – wings the eyes of opportunity as they drift though the skies of a complicated […]
There Will Be Tears
You came to me in a wide open dream of reflection as on this day my mind has lost all direction as I am missing you. You know I saw you today; I saw you today/ in traffic driving young toddlers to daycare. I saw the delight in your eyes just being a mother and […]
Of Life’s Complexity
Inspired by The Poetry Of Tupac Shakur Those who accept simplicity have never walked on the same side of the street as me. They’ve never watched grown folks cry when hopes and dreams slowly die. They’ve never seen single mothers struggle or heard their cries around dinner time when food is scarce and not enough […]
and ready to believe. As I sit and watch transient sunsets fade behind the fatigue skyline of a city, I remember the once proud façade of progress; the many years dedicated blending minds and educating hearts to become one focus and join hands in the togetherness of equality. Before I was born there were […]
Human Nature
“It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.” ~ Charlotte Bronte Summer always matures on a Sunday. The beginning of a new week organized as a day where even the sun sleeps late eventually blossoms […]
Nobody Is Going To Love Me
I want to love again I want to love again and celebrate the victory of two hearts cemented in a stone of everlasting commitment. I want to feel the voice of a lover singing to my heart. I want to hear the touch of passionate surrender embrace me and never part. I want to kiss […]
Something About Seth
He stands on shattered glass; pieces of a reflection mirrored by an all American boy with a shimmer of emotions flashing hidden secrets; there is a thundering silence that shakes the foundation of his conscience. Everyone knows him but no one knows that there is something about Seth. He sits alone in a crowd with […]
In Traffic
It is amazing the way the mind wanders when we are in traffic. We sit in a clutter of tempered stillness waiting for permission to go at the flash of a green light. There is so much observance we capture with our sight when we try to peek sideways at strangers who are intensely gripping […]
Neglect – from ‘The Public Journal of Literary Thought’
The greatest abandonment is when one forgets to love themselves. There is certain predictability in life and we usually don’t see it until its right there in front of us, usually a moment too late. The early evening began to collapse into night and I locked the door to my car and cautiously looked around […]
Nobody Knows Me
There are no clouds today; no laugher worshipping an endless sky of windless decay. There are no trees singing in silent fragrances in the fields where children play. Today time has stalled becoming this witness on these tired streets where even history refuses to stay. And a stranger says this is a beautiful day as […]