She Gave Me Life

LaRosaShe Gave Me Life

(A Mother’s Day Tribute)

Her smile shared laughter when pain and poverty

challenged her soul.  Her eyes sparkled joy

when sadness weakened her courage

…but she stayed strong


because through her journey on this earth

the gifts she birthed

were the reasons she knew she belonged


she was just sixteen years when she labored

me into this world, instantly transforming

into a woman as she held me in her arms


and from that moment she gave

me vision, as through her eyes

I found my path towards success.  There were sticks

and stones on those long, winding roads, but she showed

me how to keep going and never like fear

blind my ability


she gave me talent, as through her artistry I learned

the skills of written language.  There were times doubt threatened

to challenge penmanship, but she taught me

how to find the poetic language of my heart


she gave me strength, as through her struggle

I learned to never give up.  There were times when the skies

darkened and drenched me with internal pain, but she guided

towards the sunshine, brightening the confidence

of my definition


and she gave me hope, as through her being

I learned how to love.  There were times I felt

locked in a closet, afraid to be me and afraid to feel, but

she accepted everything I am, giving my individuality

the freedom to heal


though I miss her presence still,

I celebrate her memory,

I celebrate her continued nurture

as I will always be thankful


She gave me life.


© 2020

Tarringo T. Basile-Vaughan

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