Tag Archives: Poetry
Sunset Road
A poet’s mind never sleeps; you can hear it crying through tears when the soul weeps and even inside the journey of a dream it lays awake, roaming off into fields of imagination where summer leaps. Sometimes, often…as I look off into the sunset, I find myself asleep with open eyes standing off to the […]
Portrait Of A Poet
I once stood unknowing, unaffected, untouched and uninspired by their brilliance: words sprinkled on a canvas abstract in their meaning and obsolete in their influence. I had no connection to their worth as they were strangers to my intelligence. To be honest, I found them quiet boring and to me they were just whoring […]
The Thirty-Ninth Song Written April 27, 2015 Time only pauses but for one day and it is during this stillness of life that I take the time to find my own reflection through the shadows of yesterday, It is during this hesitance that I log my thoughts into the journals of tomorrow. […]
‘Irony’ from the Public Journal of Thoughts and Translations
Life peeks at me just to make sure I’m living. …and isn’t it ironic how you find the growth in yourself that you felt would always be hidden. And that growth is like a ticking time bomb just waiting to be triggered by fate. For me that explosion usually happens after a mistake or […]
I Heard The Blues In Her Eyes
Her tears only dripped when my eyes closed. I pretended not to hear them but I listened, I listened to the clutch of her heart whisper an apology asking for the forgiveness/of my hunger. I wasn’t mad at mama, she was younger; younger than most mother’s. Twenty-one years of age standing in welfare lines reaching […]
One Of Many
I am just one of many experiments who stand alone in rehearsed crowds lost in a maze of widowed daydreams trying to find tomorrow with transient eyes shut to the reality of yesterday. It is when I open my mind that I – not only see – but recognize that I am just one of […]
Yesterday’s Past
Sometimes you can forget where you came from, but that somewhere will never forget you. Memories triggered by glimpses of familiar faces. Smiles I once knew and eyes I once recognized repainted a portrait of childhood over twenty years aged, but never faded on the canvas of yesterday’s past. They were reminders of who I […]
The Daily Acts Of Living
There are times I stand in the traffic of life naked with nothing on but the clothing of my own mind. I watch faces that barely breathe and eyes that deceive those who hope, dream and believe that our streets can exist without the propaganda of intellectual thieves; I watch strangers become categories; nameless figures […]
Fourteen A moment of greatness is when one recognizes his own identity. I was just a young boy, barely fourteen years of age staring down at a blank piece of yellow lined paper with a pencil twirling in my right hand. There were so many things to write but my mind couldn’t find the voice […]
Alone In The Dark
Alone In The Dark I was a silly little boy sitting all along with nothing but darkness staring back at me. Most little boys were afraid of the dark; afraid of what lurked behind closest doors and underneath twin beds; afraid of some indescribable creature reaching to snatch them in their sleep. Not I though. […]