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Tarringo T. Vaughan

Mind Of a Creative Writer

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Their eyes sing to me like they are instruments whistling on these streets of A capella. Her smile is enough to make me sway as she stands in front of trees...

Argument With A Poet As he studied my attention I refused to blink.  He told me things about my- self I tried to keep hidden under a coffee stained American...

Heartbreak has had me afraid to travel down side streets where the possibilities of love were parked close to the curbs of my heart I was afraid of another...

Although I believe homosexuality is something you’re born with, in my childhood years I really never thought of men sexually. It wasn’t until my years of...

My expression has been copyrighted by time.   The greatest struggle I’ve had to face in my life has been finding a way to explore the many techniques of...

The clouds are combing the sky with the perfect radiance of blue; a clear blue that is shadowing down on this landscape of comfort. I am laying here, in the...

Happiness is like a poem that never ends; it is the jazz splashing from the tears in eyes when the joy of a smile drowns the dampness of sadness; it is the...

  flutter in front of my eyes causing my mind to stutter for just one moment as I gaze into the stillness of time watching this beautiful artistic creation...

Somewhere within time, there is an answer. There was an older man who stood in front of a local storefront searching for truth.  He had a handle on life as...

You came to me in a wide open dream of reflection as on this day my mind has lost all direction as I am missing you. You know I saw you today; I saw you today/...

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