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Tarringo T. Vaughan

Mind Of a Creative Writer

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Fourteen A moment of greatness is when one recognizes his own identity.  I was just a young boy, barely fourteen years of age staring down at a blank piece...

Alone In The Dark I was a silly little boy sitting all along with nothing but darkness staring back at me. Most little boys were afraid of the dark; afraid...

She saved my life on a Thursday, brave “colored” soul; a woman strong – an inspired spirit – stubborn to inequality, showing the world in 1955 that...

He caught my attention and stared back at me – with beads of gray hair (outlining his face) and an emergence of wrinkles (aging his grace.) He had a cane...

  My heart – once silenced – has been captured and these dreams – once lonely – are now shared with your love.  You taught me...

Coffee Shop Flyers     I think I’ll have a caramel toffee mocha.   “tall, Grande, or venti?”   I could tell she’s been working at Starbucks for...

Captured in admiration between the study of fear and the tranquility of fascination, I watch a flash mob of minds scurry in different directions to beat time...

We must come to embrace our literary minds as the great educators of  life because through the many roads we have traveled, we have become the expression behind...

It was just me, warm beer, the phone and a clock as I sat there in the dark spotlights of loneliness. A Friday night and I was sitting alone staring off into...

There are no experts in the world of expression. We all read and interpret for different reasons.  As observers we challenge with opinion and gain knowledge...

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