When looking into a child’s eyes there are many paths,
there are dreams and failure,
hope and tears,
determination and fears,
but deep in a child’s eye,
deep down within the spirals of motivation
they are reaching out for a hero – they are reaching
out for leadership and for someone to recognize
their value.
When looking into a child’s eyes there are many roads
where achievement meets opportunity;
within their vision are classrooms where
growth elevates their minds into new forms
of thinking and where those heroes
they search for are the teachers
who help them learn by learning
with them and help them evolve
by evolving within each curiosity.
When looking into a child’s eyes there are needs
and goals, there are victories
and in the reflections of their eyes is a guidance leading them towards
new pathways
where education equals freedom
and freedom equals success.
(c) 2013
Tarringo T. Vaughan