Somewhere out there are rainbows fading through a sky
where a misty rain falls gently on a field of hope; somewhere
there is growth happening on streets and corners
where youth struggle to find their place in this world.
Somewhere out there, beyond the deep blue of summer’s eye,
are futures ready to be found and voices ready to share
their songs written through the many questions of poverty.
And somewhere out there are dreams awakening
into aspirations and freedoms of achievement where possibilities
fly high and the obscenities of crime slowly die. I know
the world hasn’t found perfect as the rise of violence
continues to filter through our streets and communities where children
strive to survive on their own two feet and starvation
holds hostage many families who call for help
through the sounds of their hunger but—
somewhere beyond this blue sky of dreams is a reason;
a reason to hold onto the evolution of change.
© 2012
Tarringo T. Vaughan