In the beginning minutes of a day beautifully
golden – air astute to the magical music
of nature’s sound, I lay awake. I stare
back at the shadows of naked trees– stagnant, but full
of life as they stand
in the glow of summer’s light
becoming a part of the morning’s rise. There is a breeze blowing gently
through the window
and against the exposed skin of my soul
making me feel very alive and whole,
I feel recognized as I breathe, inhaling this mere
romance with a moment. I am here
studying silence, free of fear, without a single care
except living within these minutes
experiencing the now because there are some days
I hesitate to wake up to a world
filled with judgment and hate; a world
where violence dictates any possibility
of peace, where poverty and desperation never seems
to cease; there are some days I hope and pray
political playgrounds will be free of corruption
and differences will again be allowed
the freedom to play
on equal grounds without disruption;
and some days, like now, in the clarity
of this moment where blue skies smile
against the peaceful winds of eternity
I just wish every mind out there
could gather in this moment and share
one dream.
Tarringo T. Vaughan
Some days, is a dream we all wish were true!
thank you very much Linda