One Moment

treephotos44The trees are bare today as they reach out

into an open temperature of stillness with branches
that are waving to my eyes in a perfect salute;
time is staring at me through a fragmented window
just clear enough to see the energy of my mind.

Thoughts clutter in a silent rewind
as I sit here recognizing all I have come to appreciate
through loss, emptiness and the promise of renewal,
and as the clouds massages the sky into a gentle
relaxation, I am softly whistling the tune of faces
who have always smiled at me with warm voices;
loved ones who have gone but continue to touch my heart
with a paralyzed tenderness that never loses feeling.

They are the brightness that has led me to healing
all those dark, gray covered days where sadness and pain
met on the battlegrounds of my emotional disdain,
they are the memories I embrace and hear
in times I give in to the luxuries of life’s fear;
moments I hide just to observe the mysteries I feel inside.

They are the reminders telling me that the presence
I have become is a tribute to the appreciation
and value of every enjoyment of vision we see
as it only takes one moment to breathe
the freshness of connection; it only takes one moment
to believe and receive the hands fate has extended
into our lives and it just takes one moment–this moment—to give gratitude
to all who have strengthened my soul
into these awakening moments of solitude.

© 2010
Tarringo T. Vaughan

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