Liberated Poet

writing-poetry-poetThis is my declaration; a literary celebration
of the shackles lifted from my pen
freeing the expression of my ink
into an explosive fireworks of creation.

Because for so long I hesitated to share my voice,
afraid to be heard but now my mind
sings and rejoice
the plight of all I hid inside;
now hear all my visions collide
as the freedom of my words abides
the openness of my heart
the force of my desire; a blazing fire
that burns as a torch to be carried
on for generations
because I destructed my own hesitations
and now my soul will echo on
in the pages of tomorrow.

So much sorrow;
Too hard to swallow; strength once hollow,
I turned it all around and lifted a flag blowing
with the wind of self determination
and as my art became a confirmation
of all that flows within, I begin
to believe, realize and recognize
my independence to express; triggered progress
my pen blew up like dynamite
and now I confess…

This is my declaration; a literary celebration
of breaking through the bars,
escaping all who said ‘I couldn’t do it”.

I stand saluted as a liberated poet.

Tarringo T Vaughan

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